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Sheep grazing under the supervision of a shepherd Sheep that are accustomed to dogs and people, especially when in larger groups, will be slower to react to the dog’s mere presence and the dog may often need to push them. In addition, some breeds of sheep by nature are less wary than others and more inclined to resist the dog. Goats and cattle also may require a more forceful approach. With “heavier” stock and stock in large groups, precision of movement is not as critical as in the case of smaller groups and flightier animals, and with a large group free movement may be necessary in order to cover the many individual “balance points” and the broader overall balance point of the large group. These situations remained suitable for the manner of work shown by the typical loose-eyed, close-run dog. |
Such tending of grazing flocks in unfenced areas was not unknown in the United States. It was a common practice in the wide open spaces of the American West, but also occurred in Midwestern and eastern farming areas and even in urban areas. Into the early 20th century sheep were being grazed in Prospect Park in Brooklyn and Baltimore's Druid Hill Park. The Sheep Meadow in Central Park in New York City came by that name due to the sheep that were grazed there from the 1860s into the 1930s. The sheep were kept in the building that later became the Tavern on the Green Restaurant. Twice a day they were taken across West 67th Street to and from the park.
Separation from Their Working Roots I’ll never forget the first truly good dog I ever owned. He was the biggest and one of the most beautiful sable and white AKC registered Collies who ever lived. He worked for me four years on a dairy farm. He was fantastic – literally a genius in the dog world. His breeding potential was almost entirely wasted. He sired one litter and even though the dam was plain and unregistered, the pups were marvelous stock dogs. He did not have the eye and crouch of the Border Collies, which I have now, but for brains and inherent know-how, I have never seen his equal . . . I gave up the breed because I couldn’t find a female even half-way suitable . . . Prince was used equally well on cattle, hogs, sheep and poultry. He was most effective, efficient and quick to learn. His speed was determined by my tone of voice as was his patience or roughness. Here was a very capable dog. But, as Mr. Evans pointed out, his line disappeared.
Differences and Similarities
Herding is the result of complex factors. The individual dog, given the opportunity, will reveal its natural tendencies, and these tendencies are also subject to being shaped by experience and training. ![]() Historically, and at present where the opportunity exists, dogs might work with a particular type of stock or with all types of stock, according to the needs of the particular farm or ranch. Some types of work might be more prevalent in one region than another. Dogs might gather, drive, or do both as needed. They might remain all their lives on one farm, or go on the road to take stock to market. They might need to keep stock in or out of certain areas. They might serve as watchdogs for property and family, or take up the role of playmate for the children. Many farm and ranch dogs performed a multitude of tasks – including tasks not involved with working the livestock – and in many cases there is a lack of detailed historical information as to just what work was done and how it was performed. How is it to be decided, then, which of several jobs is the "proper" one for a particular breed or which era of history is to be looked upon as the "true" one to be imitated? Not every task of a herding dog, or every individual tendency occurring in herding dogs, constitutes a distinct, specific "breed style." Even in some cases where a breed might have been used more for one job than another, it still wouldn’t necessarily be selected for that job alone.
The emphasis in another breed wouldn't be exactly the
same. The Sheltie, for instance, was not developed with
the same need to move large groups of range cattle in
hot, dusty conditions. But neither is the ideal Sheltie
a soft dog capable of working only the mildest animals.
The working Sheltie should have strength and
determination. The Sheltie was required to handle a
variety of livestock -- the island sheep, which were
noted for being stubborn and difficult to work, poultry,
cattle and ponies -- as well as fit into a small home
and be a family companion and watchdog.
As another example, the Old English Sheepdog was used both for tending flocks while they grazed and as a drover, taking animals to market. Its work with heavy lowland flocks and its drover's role favored a dog of a certain build and gait. It was not bred to cast out long distances up mountainsides. Nonetheless, it did need to be able to perform a variety of jobs, including gathering and fetching. To take only one of its uses and promote it at the expense of all else, would only limit the abilities of the breed and in fact be untrue to its history. In Australia, a stockman might have a Kelpie that was especially good at casting out and gathering sheep, and another Kelpie that was less good at casting and gathering but excellent for pushing the sheep in the pens. Nonetheless, there would be times when the casting dog had to help push and the pushing dog had to help gather. Some breeders might concentrate on a line with a specialized set of skills, while others would breed for an all-rounder. There naturally will be more consistency of herding behavior shown in the Border Collie, a breed selected almost exclusively as a stockdog for many generations, although even in the Border Collie there is a variety of tendencies. Whatever the breed, the standard should be good, efficient, practical work, with training based on the dog's individual natural tendencies and the tasks that need doing.
The Old-fashioned All-around Farm Dog
As society has become more urbanized, family farms have diminished and agricultural practices have changed, many people will only see a dog working livestock at a local or televised trial. Almost forgotten are many of the jobs of the all-around farm dog. In America, many of these dogs are remembered as the “Old Shep” on grandpa’s farm. Usually with a working collie back-ground, these dogs were called variously “farm shepherds” or “farm collies” and some went into the development of modern registered breeds such as the English Shepherd and Australian Shepherd. Generally these farm dogs were loose-eyed, upright workers, relaxed in nature but forceful when necessary. Most commonly they worked in a fairly routine situation with familiar animals, although there would also be times when routine would be broken or unfamiliar animals would need to be handled. They brought the cows in for milking and drove them back, gathered sheep from the pasture and searched for any animals that were lost or had strayed. They might go along with the farm children to watch over cattle or sheep being grazed in unfenced fields, and remain on the job while the children went off to find fun else-where! They watched gates that had been left open, drove out the pigs that invaded the orchard and put them back in their place, rounded up the chickens to put them away for the night – any number of tasks that might need doing. ![]()
The dog on the
family farm not only handled farm animals of many kinds,
but kept “varmints” under control, was used as a hunting
dog to help supply food for the table, played with and
“baby-sat” the children, served as a watch and guard dog
for property, family and animals. Sometimes they were
used to power a small treadmill for tasks such as
running a butter churn. When herding, the dog might be
called upon to handle everything from an obstreperous
bull or stubborn pigs which might require a forceful
manner, to young lambs and poultry which required gentle
With its sense of propriety over the animals and its attachment to its family and farm, the old-fashioned farm dog was often a dual-purpose herding dog and stock guardian. In some regions, such as the mountainous areas of Europe, it was a common practice to use a large, calm-natured, but powerful dog for guarding the flocks, dogs which lived out with the animals, and a smaller, more active herding dog for herding and moving the animals. The active herding dog often cannot be left loose around the farm animals because of the intensity of its working drive, particularly developed in trials-bred or more specialized dogs. The good general-purpose farm dog, however, could be trusted loose on the farm. It would know the limits of its farm and would not only keep predators, animal and human, away from its territory, but would also distinguish between trespassing livestock and its “own” livestock. If the resident livestock strayed, without being told the reliable farm dog would return them to their proper place. Accounts of Swiss cattledogs provide a picture much like that of the American “Old Shep”: They do not require special training in order to become something useful. They are praised above all for incorruptible loyalty, watchfulness and attentiveness. Many develop quite special intelligence in protecting and watching, for example in holding horses, guarding the car, knowing exact property boundaries, protection of children and women. Driving and searching for lost cattle are more or less innate in all. The dog needs only opportunity and examples, no special training. They usually go very well on foot and behind the wagon. They are, if not spoiled when young, gentle with chickens and cats.
Dr. H.C. Hans Raeber, Die Schweizer Hunderassen, 1980
herding is generally considered to be based on
the canine prey drive, many of these
old-fashioned farm dogs showed a tendency to
treat the farm animals as subordinate pack
members. They would control the movement of the
animals, actively herding them when that was
needed, keeping the animals in order as
necessary, but could also be left among the
animals and would not bother them so long as the
animals behaved themselves and stayed in the
areas where they belonged. Such dogs might even
show nurturing behaviors toward very young
animals. It should be kept in mind, however,
that the division between “prey drive” and “pack
behavior” is not a clear-cut one in the
stock-working dog, and the extent to which dogs
will display one or the other or elements of
both will vary considerably. While such
dominance-based or nurturing-based behaviors
were notably developed in individual old-time
farm shepherds and farm collies, not all of them
demonstrated these behaviors, and these
behaviors can show up to greater or lesser
degrees in other breeds as well.
The farm dog often received very little formal training but learned its responsibilities as it grew up, receiving its training in the form of general supervision and guidance “on the job.” Purely herding qualities can be evaluated to a certain extent through trials, but many of the characteristics notable in the all-round farm dog can only be seen in a daily, on-the-job situation, and in the case of the non-specialized family farm this context is one that has diminished considerably over the years.
Cur Breeds
Old British accounts refer to the “Cur” as a type of dog related to the “Shepherd’s Dog” but generally larger, stronger, most often shorthaired, frequently bobtailed, used primarily for working cattle. Dogs of this type came with settlers to America. Over time, several breeds referred to as Curs, including the Florida Cur, Black Mouth Cur, Catahoula Leopard, and Lacy dog, were developed for the conditions prevalent particularly in the southern regions of the U.S. and over into Texas. In these areas it was common for cattle and hogs to be free-ranging. Cur dogs were used to track and locate the semi-wild cattle and hogs and help round them up. In this kind of work, typically a team of dogs is used, which upon finding the animals, circle them and bring them to bay. The dogs’ barking helps lead the horsemen to the location, and the dogs keep the animals grouped, turning back any animal that tries to leave, nipping or gripping if necessary. The gathered animals are moved to corrals by the horsemen driving them from behind, while the dogs range around the group, particularly at the front and sides, preventing escapes. One technique used by the dogs was to “tease” the animals into chasing after them, the dogs knowing to head to the corrals. An escape hatch on the far side of the corral provided an exit for the dog once the animals had followed them into the corral, with the horseman riding up behind to close the gates. The tough conditions require a tough, intelligent dog able to use initiative. Training generally has been of the “learn on the job” type, and when working, commands tend to be few, with a high reliance on the dogs’ instinct and experience. Like other breeds of stockdogs, the Cur breeds are adaptable, and individuals can be trained to do the more common type of herding done by other loose-eyed, upright breeds. Cur dogs were traditionally general-purpose dogs, used for hunting as well as stock work. Some Cur breeds, with more hound influence, are now primarily hunting dogs, but the stock-working Curs continue to do their traditional work.
Droving Dogs
“Droving” is sometimes confused with “driving,” leading to the thought that a dog described in old accounts as a “droving” dog must have had particular instincts to “drive” the animals out ahead of the handler as opposed to “fetching.” However, this is not the case. " Droving" meant taking the stock some distance, down roads or lanes, usually to market. This work required flexibility. The dog had to be able to work any position relative to the stock. It had to be able to push at the rear, and go to the head to turn the group or stop breakaway attempts. While some breeds came to be associated with droving work, in fact the droving dog usually was just the common local farm dog picked up by the drover, and suitability for the work had more to do with considerations of stamina and temperament. An account of working Smooth Collies in Canada in the 1920’s provides a picture of a drover’s dog: A drover, who went from farm to farm buying cattle, had one of these smooths. The dog brought the cattle along, held them while the drover dickered, collected the purchased cows and drove them down the road till he caught up to the drover again, who would go on ahead. At the end of the day the drover could go home ahead of the dog, telling him only to bring them home, and he would always arrive with them all, steady and unhurried, no matter how far or how late the hour.” Katherine M. Nicks, Collie and Shetland Sheepdog Review, May 1960.
The Drover's Halt, Richard Ansdell, 1873 Another account of droving is related in A Lifetime with the Working Collie, Their Training and History, 1979, by Arthur Allen (1904-1996):
had open range at that time [1880s]. Because of
the open and rather wild country that it was,
the dogs were more important. These dogs
were large and more stern than the Border Collie
of today and were used for working all kinds of livestock. . . . There have been
situations where farmers or ranchers have wanted
a dog to mostly drive and so have used and
trained their dogs in that way. Some dogs will
take more easily than others to being encouraged
or trained to stay on the same side of the
animals as the handler. Nonetheless, the fact
that one dog might show a stronger gathering
tendency than another dog doesn't mean that the
dog whose gathering tendency is less pronounced
necessarily has some kind of opposite driving
tendency instead. Another person with the same
breed or even the same dog who moves to a new
situation, will find that the dog can readily
learn to do gathering work and will develop a
wider range of skills.
"Continental" Practices
In Britain, as time went on more fields were enclosed and the practice of tending flocks in unfenced grazing areas diminished considerably. Lacking the large predators that persisted in many parts of the continent, the guardian qualities of the all-round herding dog become less important, although these characteristics were preserved to a large extent in dogs of British ancestry taken to North America such as the old-fashioned farm shepherd or farm collie as indicated above. The earlier conditions persisted longer in Europe, although today the use of fenced pastures is increasing in Europe as well. In some regions, particularly in Germany and adjacent regions of central Europe, large flocks would be kept in villages in heavily populated areas and be taken out daily to graze in marginal areas or on fallow fields. On the way to these fields, the flock would pass fields of crops on which they could not be allowed to trespass. In crop-growing regions of central France, the sheep were similarly taken out to graze, but there, the task involved close-grazing of farm fields, with the sheep being moved within large farming estates rather than residing in a village. In other areas, such as the plains of Hungary and more mountainous areas of France, Italy and Spain, sheep were likewise tended as they grazed, but in these more open and less populated areas there was little need to enforce more than general limits for the flocks and the practices there were similar to the tending practices in the American West. In some of the more mountainous areas transhumance was practiced, in Europe and in the American West alike, where sheep were taken to and from seasonal pastures on journeys that would last many days (nowadays, the transhumance is often accomplished by truck). In all areas, of course, the dogs performed herding tasks around the farmyard and were used for taking stock to market. The trials that developed in France and Germany near the turn of the century reflect these varying conditions. Both the French and the German trials involve large groups of sheep being taken through a “cross-country” type of course that reflects common situations. There are significant differences, however. The French trials contain some major elements which do not appear in the German trials, and vice-versa. In the French trials, the handler takes various positions around the flock, often walking at the rear. The dog also takes various positions in relation to the flock and to the handler, with the dog being actively involved with the movement of the flock. The course layout varies from place to place, but common elements are included. Tasks usually include taking the sheep from the pen, passage through various obstacles, a brief settle and graze, gathering at a distance, sorting out individual animals, stopping the flock, actually catching a sheep and holding it briefly while the dog keeps the flock well grouped around the handler, and returning the sheep to the pen. Flocks over 80 are desired for the French trials, but it is becoming difficult to provide such large flocks nowadays and the French prefer that sheep in trials not be used more than twice, so use of smaller flocks, down to 25 or so in some cases, are becoming more frequent, although larger groups are preferred when possible. ![]()
In the German
trials, which provide the title of "HGH” (“Herdengebrauchshund,”
or “Herding Utility Dog”) for dogs which qualify, the
handler leads the flock, and the dog (usually two are
used) moves for the most part back and forth along the
side of the flock to keep it contained on the road. The
dog may change sides at the front of the flock, but
usually is not to cross behind lest it cause the large
flock to bunch up too much. Like the French trials, the
sheep are taken from and returned to a pen, there are
passages through or over obstacles such as a bridge, the
flock is taken past a moving car, but there is no
sorting, catching, nor gathering at a distance. There
are two grazing situations, quite a bit longer than the
brief graze of the French trials, consisting of a wide
graze and a narrow graze. During the grazes, the dog is
to patrol the boundaries (usually indicated by furrows)
to ensure that the sheep remain inside the delineated
area as they graze. If a sheep attempts to cross the
boundary, the dog should demonstrate a correct grip
which may be on the top of the neck, the back of the
thigh, or the ribs. The size of the flock in trials in
Germany numbers 200 and above (flocks in daily work
often being much larger), with the same flock being used
for several runs.
The type of work seen in the HGH is quite different from the ISDS trials and is closely tied to its context of a large number of strongly-flocking sheep being handled daily in a routine familiar to flock, dogs and shepherd. Because of the needs and context of typical German herding circumstances, the German large-flock dog commonly is taught to run along a furrow very early on. Working the boundaries may take up a very large part of the dog's job. While boundary work constitutes a method of tending grazing flocks, it is not the only form of tending. Tending is a much broader term and applies equally to other practices which involve grazing flocks under supervision of a shepherd and dog whether in France, Wales, the Rockies or Central Park. Dogs are territorial animals and readily learn to recognize limits. Many are the stories of "old Shep" recognizing the limits of particular areas and keeping animals within or away from the areas. A dog given basic all-round training is capable of holding stock within a grazing area. When the need arises, "British" breeds will string out a flock, work the sides, keep it on a road or path, hold it within a particular grazing area, even if these needs don't arise as often in present-day British or American herding or there aren't specific exercises for these tasks in British or American herding trials. Statements along the lines of “the continental or European style of sheep herding is called tending” or “tending is new to America” are inaccurate and misleading. A more accurate term distinguishing the HGH-type work is boundary work.” Keeping the sheep from crossing the boundary or “warding off” is the notable characteristic of German large-flock practice as described by Captain Max Von Stephanitz, the founder of the breed, in his book, The German Shepherd Dog in Word and Picture. But some misconceptions about these practices appeared in recent years in the U.S. Around the time of the beginning of the AKC herding program an idea arose among a few of the people oriented toward that program that all dogs of breeds of continental European origin worked – or should work – like the dogs seen in the HGH. It was claimed that the dogs shouldn’t fetch or drive or even pass behind a moving flock, but were only to patrol around sheep as they grazed in a clearly delineated field, and when taking the sheep from place to place were only to move back and forth alongside the flock, changing sides only at the front, with the shepherd always leading the way. This first was described as “boundary work," but later the term “tending” was applied, with the implication being that only this type of work was “tending.” Apparently this erroneous limiting of “tending” to HGH practices came about in part because of the use of the word “tending” in the English translation of Von Stephanitz’ The German Shepherd Dog in Word and Picture, but Von Stephanitz himself didn’t use the word in this overly narrow way. Dogs used to manage grazing sheep, including breeds such as collies, were tending dogs and did tending work. “The tending dog in England is the so-called Scotch shepherd or collie,” he wrote. What set the German shepherd dogs apart in his account was “warding off” – patrolling the edge of the grazing area to keep the sheep from trespassing on neighboring crops, a kind of work that was of great importance in the agricultural conditions prevalent in Germany. An important factor in this type of work is the nature and size of the flock. In the German large-flock practice (as with any large flock – and in general there will be more work along the side with a large flock), the dog can go up and down the side of the flock not only because the sheep are accustomed to the dog, but because with a flock that size, only a few of the sheep are reacting to the dog at any given moment. When a few shift over, they squeeze up against a wall of other sheep. Twenty of these same sheep, however, would have a stronger reaction to the presence of the dog. The situation is similar with regard to a requirement that the dog place itself at the pen opening or the entrance of the bridge, while the sheep follow the shepherd through. Once the flow gets going through the pen gate or over the bridge, the stream of sheep usually will keep going. Twenty or so sheep being confronted with the same situation, even if they are well-accustomed to being worked by a dog and following a shepherd, will be far less inclined to walk past a dog posted right at an entrance, particularly a strange dog. This type of work is not based any less on "prey drive” than is the case with the Border Collie, even though the sheep, accustomed through routine to the close presence of the dog, may not move away from the mere presence of the dog as will happen with sheep not so habituated. In the actively patrolling, high-drive boundary dog one sees the same kind of intensity seen in the strong-eyed Border Collie creeping up on the small flock in an ISDS trial. But the one uses its intensity in a free-moving manner, the other is focused into a stalking, pausing approach due to the characteristic of “eye”. ![]()
While the
German dog doing the kind of work seen in the HGH trials may not be used to any
great extent for directly guiding the movement of the
sheep in the way seen at Border Collie trials, this does
not mean that other herding tendencies are not there.
The dog still must have the ability to respond to the
pressure points and there are other elements in common
with the work of the loose-eyed, all-purpose farm and
ranch dog, of whatever country. Just as “eye” in Border
Collies is in addition to, not in place of, basic
herding behaviors seen in a broad range of breeds, the
tendency to pick up a boundary selected for in working
German Shepherds in Germany is in addition to, not in
place of, other basic herding behaviors. This is why the
German Shepherd Dog is capable of adapting to other
stock-handling practices, as many have demonstrated.
In most parts of Europe, dogs are given general training in controlling the flock. They do indeed fetch and/or drive and round up and move the stock, working at sides, front or rear as needed. The work seen in the HGH trials is not synonymous with “continental” any more than the work seen at ISDS trials is synonymous with work done throughout Britain and in the U.S. And while in Germany and some other central European regions there has been more of an emphasis on boundary patrolling or warding off sheep from adjoining fields, even there, in practical work a dog often maintains the boundary with little or no active patrolling, moving as needed to keep a sheep from trespassing but sitting or lying at other times. In Germany, too, many working dogs move the sheep by gathering/fetching/driving in the ways associated with stockdogs everywhere. One can see, from the type of work that was done, why a typical “continental” dog would differ from a typical Border Collie, but the characteristics shown by these dogs are very similar to the other loose-eyed, upstanding breeds, whatever their national origin. And there still would be things in common even with the Border Collie. Despite some broad general differences in flock-keeping situations between parts of Britain and the continent, such as greater use of fences in Britain in recent history, there are many similarities in all-round British/American herding and all-round European herding, and the herding breeds share many characteristics. A noted French trainer, who has won the National Championship several times, with different breeds, including Beaucerons, comments of the Beauceron: The Beauceron is a typical French dog -- it is frank, loyal, strong to work but needs a lot of authority when being trained to sheep . . . Training a Beacueron follows the same main steps as for other working dogs 1) fetch 2) stop (at distance) 3) sit/lie down 4) right/left. What differentiates the Beauceron from the Border Collie is that it is (the Beauceron) a 'contact' dog -- in other words, it 'sticks' to the flock - i.e. moves back and forth down the side of the flock or behind if it is bringing the sheep towards you . . . The Beauceron which starts working early will instinctively bring the sheep towards you. From this description the notable difference is, once again, between a strong-eyed, wide-run dog and a loose-eyed, close-run dog.
Considerations in Testing and Training
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